Projects and exploration
Australia remains one of the world’s largest untapped minerals markets with 80% of the continent yet to be explored. World-class mineral deposits have been discovered in regions such as the Pilbara and Eastern Goldfields in Western Australia, the Gawler Craton in South Australia and the Bowen Basin in Queensland. Now, new federal, state and territory government exploration initiatives are leading to new discoveries in both brown and greenfields areas.
This page includes a range of pre-competitive exploration data, geological maps, mineral development strategies and information on current mineral projects, including projects that are seeking investment.
Geoscience Australia
- Resourcing Australia's Prosperity
- Isotopic data and 'Searching the Deep Earth'
- National ASTER Geoscience Maps
- National Geochemical Survey of Australia
- Neodymium Depleted Mantle Model Age Map of Australia (Explanatory notes and user guide)
- Critical Minerals Mapping Initiative
New South Wales
- NSW investment opportunities
- Critical minerals and high-tech metals
- MinEx CRC
- Advanced mineral projects & exploration highlights in NSW map
- NSW minerals and metals projects
Northern Territory
- Developing projects
- Operating Mines in the NT
- Commodity factsheets, maps and posters
- Critical Minerals guide
- Highlights of mineral and petroleum exploration and development in 2023
South Australia
- Critical Minerals South Australia
- Delamerian National Drilling Initiative (NDI)
- Geological Survey Digital Strategy
- GP2: next generation mineral systems mapping
- Portable XRF Geochemistry
- SARIG Core Intelligence
- Sedimentary Copper Mineral System of the Stuart Shelf
- South Australian Discovery Mapping
- South Australian Forms, legislation and guidance
- South Australia geoscience products and services
- South Australian Resources Information Gateway (SARIG)
- Ultrafine+
- ABx Group investment fact sheet
- Direct Lithium investment fact sheet
- King Island Scheelite investment fact sheet
- Maydena Sands investment fact sheet
- Stellar Resources investment fact sheet
- Venture Minerals investment fact sheet
- Seamless Geology
- 3D Victoria – models and reports
- Geological Survey of Victoria – Drill Core Library
- Map of current mines and mineral exploration projects in Victoria
- Presentation - New Developments in Victorian Geology and Mineral Prospectivity GSV
- Presentation - Victorian Geology - New Interpretations
- Gold Undercover report series
- North Central Victorian Goldfields Ground Release - geoscience presentations
- Earth Echoes - Central Victorian Gold video
- Stavely Minerals Exploration Initiative
- Stavely Arc Uncovered event recorded presentations
- The Stavely Arc: uncovering the geological evolution of western Victoria - video
- Eastern Victoria Geoscience Initiative
- Beneath the Australian Alps - video
Western Australia
- Major resource projects, Western Australia - 2024
- GSWA projects
- Regional geophysical survey data and statewide compilations
- Western Australia Atlas of mineral deposits and major petroleum projects 2023
- Deep crustal seismic reflection, passive seismic and magnetotelluric (MT) surveys
- Antimony: investment opportunities
- Bauxite: investment opportunities
- Chromium: investment opportunities
- Copper: investment opportunities
- Diamond: investment opportunities
- Garnet: investment opportunities
- Gold: investment opportunities
- Graphite: investment opportunities
- Iron Ore: investment opportunities
- Lead: investment opportunities
- Lithium: investment opportunities
- Manganese: investment opportunities
- Nickel-Cobalt: investment opportunities
- Phosphate: investment opportunities
- Potash: investment opportunities
- Rare Earth Elements: investment opportunities
- Titanium-Zircon: investment opportunities
- Tungsten: investment opportunities
- Vanadium: investment opportunities
- Zinc: investment opportunities