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Conferences and events

Each year, Australia Minerals participates in a series of international seminars and meetings to showcase Australia’s vast mineral resources and investment potential.

Below, you will find information on recent and upcoming events along with presentations given by the Australia Minerals team.

Upcoming events

Recent events

Virtual webinar series

All of Australia’s geological surveys also make presentations available online, providing new geoscience information and data to continue support for the Australian mineral exploration industry. You can find links to each state’s presentations below.

Geoscience Australia
Public talks available online

Northern Territory
The Annual Geoscience Exploration Seminar (AGES) 2024

GSQ-UQ Webinar Series - Sustainable Minerals Institute - University of Queensland

South Australia
Department for Energy and Mining South Australia geoscience videos

Western Australia
GSWA Webinar Series

About Australia Minerals events

Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada Convention

The Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada Convention (PDAC) is held in March each year at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre in Toronto, Canada

PDAC is the world's leading convention for people, companies and organisations in, or connected with, mineral exploration. Australia Minerals attends this event to promote Australia's exploration and investment potential to over 27,000 attendees.

Japan—Australia Mineral Resources Investment Seminar

Australia Minerals hosts a Japan—Australia Mineral Resources Investment Seminar at the Australian Embassy in Tokyo, Japan each year.

The Australia Minerals team looks forward to promoting Australia's exploration and investment potential in this significant investment market in an effort to attract increased investment in mineral exploration in Australia by engaging international government agencies and mining/exploration companies.

The half-day seminar includes a series of presentations on Australian minerals/energy commodities and the Australian investment and policy environment. Spoken presentations are simultaneously translated into Japanese or English with PowerPoint presentations displayed in English. A display area is set up in the foyer to allow attendees to engage with participating government agencies and companies and a networking event is held immediately after the seminar.

If you are interested in attending the seminar please email

Promotional activities in the Republic of Korea (South Korea)

The Australia Minerals team travels to Seoul each year as part of its North Asia promotional activities. During these visits the team meets with government agencies, mining and exploration companies, and people interested in investing in the minerals and mining sector in Australia.

If you would like to know more about these visits, or to meet with the team when in the Republic of Korea, please send us a message via the Contact Us page on this website.

Promotional activities in India

The Australia Minerals team aims to visit multiple cities in India every 12–18 months. During these visits the team meets with government agencies, mining and exploration companies, and people interested in investing in the minerals and mining sector in Australia.

If you would like to know more about these visits, or to meet with the team when in India, please send us a message via the Contact Us page on this website.

Other Conferences and events

All of Australia’s geological surveys also hold their own conferences and events. Find out more about their upcoming events by clicking on the following links:

Geoscience Australia
News & events

New South Wales
News and events

Northern Territory
Annual Geoscience Exploration Seminar (AGES)

Minerals and exploration

South Australia

Mineral Resources Tasmania


Western Australia
Geological Survey of Western Australia Open Day